
Signing up is a good thing

Just so you know, I have my blog set up so that people wanting to leave comments need to sign up with blogger. I do this so I can know who left the comment. For some reason I'm really paranoid about having anonymous comments on my blog.

It's really not that big of a deal to sign up with blogger. You don't have to create a blog if you don't want to, just a profile (I think). I have had a very good experience with blogger. They don't sell your email, and they have a pretty cool help section to discover all the neat things you can do with your blog. Plus it would be cool if you did decide to keep a blog because then I could put a link on my site to your site! Wouldn't that be fun?

So, to sum up: sign up, leave a comment, create a blog, have fun! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Aimee B. said...

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it!