
Walk 1/12/07

Walked almost 3 and a half miles in a little over an hour. My pace was slower because I was walking carefully over icy patches in some spots. However it was a nice walk because the sun was out, and I went through a beautiful neighborhood that had extraordinary ponds and fountains everywhere!


Walk 1/6/07

Walked 1.25 miles with John to the store and back. It was a beautiful day!


Star Wars in the Rose Parade

John's going to love this video I found. The parade had two Star Wars floats, storm troopers, Obi Wan, Anikan, Darth Vader, and Ewoks!



Walk 1/3/07

Walked almost 1 3/4 miles with John, 30 minutes. It was lightly raining so we didn't see many other people out and about.

Laundry tubs

I finally found some tubs to put laundry detergent in. I'm getting more organized every day!