Samuel Robert
born @ 7:41 pm Dec 1, 2008
10 lbs 4 oz
22 inches long

John and me at the hospital: 7 am. Labor started around 5:30 am. Labor had stalled out by 6pm and we decided that it was time to intervene. So the ceserian was advised and approved.
John, me and Sam right after the c-section. They are still working on me, but Sam is mostly cleaned up and John and I are very proud.
Sam, already showing his star quality and super personality.
My first real look at Sam, who when I saw him, knew he would be Samuel. I had liked the name from when John and I had talked about names and John agreed without hesitation. His middle name is in honor of my dad, Robert.
We still haven't really ended that day since feedings, vital signs, visiting with parents, etc has made for little time to rest and recoup, but as we figure this new adventure out and learn to read Sam's cues, we are finding plenty of support and a comfortable place in which to begin our family.