1. It's almost the middle of August. Wow. I think I'm getting used to the heat. I drove home yesterday in about 90-95 degrees, and it didn't seem that warm to me. But I get to go from an AC office to an AC home. I am blessed.
2. I finished the cross-stitch part of the Winnie the Pooh shirt for Sam. I started the backstitch on Eeyore, and it's coming along quickly. I keep forgetting to take a picture. :(
3. Yum, good chicken noodle soup today. :)
4. John is taking Sam to the county fair this week on several trips. I hope they stay cool and have fun. I'll go with them on the weekend sometime.
5. We went to the beach for the first time this summer, on Saturday. The actual beach was a disappointment with fog and 20-30 mph wind. The sand was kicking up so much that we weren't able to get down on the ground and enjoy playing in the sand. But we had fun in town, and the weather inland was amazing. I hope we get to go back again so Sam can have a day in the sand.
6. My Mom is still improving. Thanks for all your prayers. She still has a while left on the antibiotic, and they haven't yet said when she will get to go home.
7. I read a neat phrase last night that works for me on several levels and in different areas of my life. I did a brief search for the original author of the quote, but I didn't find it. If you know it or find it, please let me know so I can give credit. So, this miracle quote is: "progress, not perfection." I get stuck in a lot of things because I don't know the best thing to do next. This reminds me that I need to just keep working on it and don't worry about making it perfect. It's better to get something done than nothing done at all.
8. My favorite show right now is Suits.
9. We missed seeing Avengers in the theater, but we got to see MIB 3. It was decent. At least it was better than the few reviews I had read.
10. I'm more interested in Pinterest lately than Facebook. Anybody else think the same thing?
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