Yeah! We finally found a house we love, and we're in the middle of the process of buying it! In less than a month, we'll be in our very own home.
As the date comes closer, I get more excited! Yesterday I went to The Home Depot and bought our first new appliances: refrigerator, washer, and dryer. Although it was a little disapopinting to go home with only a receipt and a delivery date. As soon as we get them delivered, I'll take pictures to post. That's assuming I can find my computer underneath all the packing boxes, of course. :)
Oh, by the way, this house is not the house from the previous post. We found it while we were still on the back-up list of the other one. While we were frustrated and disappointed with not getting the first house, we were really excited about finding "our" house, so we decided to go for it. It has a bunch of features the other house didn't: a better layout, more square footage, a master bathroom, a two-car garage (the other house only had a one-car garage), a hot tub, a separate family room, and a fourth bedroom. It's such a great house, I even get excited just typing about it!
Now my evenings and weekends are spent packing and cleaning. I usually dread packing, but I keep telling myself how much I'm going to enjoy our new home. That get's me going. Hopefully moving day will be a breeze.
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6 years ago
That rocks Aimee!
I just got offered a new job today, and I start at the end of the month! We're all starting something new!
Congrats on your new job, Nate!
Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you guys! :-) praying it all goes smoothly.
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