Ten Things Tuesday
1. I'm having a hard time believing that it's almost July.
2. We have lots of cherries on our trees this year. We'll be picking them tonight through the end of the weekend.
3. We watched Man on a Ledge recently. It was pretty good. It seemed to go too fast. I think it really needed some more backstory on the bad guy. Ed Harris is great, but he didn't have enough time to develop his character. He got mad at one of his minions and threw something against the wall, but it just wasn't enough.
4. I'm still waiting to get a babysitter so we can see Avengers.
5. I need to check the company holiday schedule. I'm guessing that we have Monday the 2nd off, but I really don't know.
6. Everyone keeps complaining about the rain. I'm just glad I don't have to water! :)
7. I haven't had a coffee run in awhile. I used to go every Friday at morning break to the closest coffee shack, but work has been busy. Maybe I'll have time tomorrow.
8. I forgot to bring cross-stitch with me to work today so I could work on it at lunch. Boo. I started Eeyore's hair last night. It's getting fun now that I'm so close to the end, even though I still have at least 15-20 hours left to go.
9. Eureka dropped a big bombshell last night. Espionage and betrayal. Fun stuff!
10. I've been going through pictures, and I realize I need to take more pictures of Sam throughout the week/month.
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