So I was sitting here thinking of something to do, and I thought I would catch up on Melissa's blog. Her last blog entry was about how she was "tagged" by someone she knows to answer some questions about books... Before I read her entry I clicked on the guy's name to see what tagging was all about. I had a good time reading his and some other links about the same thing, all the time thinking well probably Melissa won't tag me. And then I read Melissa's and got to the bottom where she tags other people and I glanced through it and didn't see my name. And then... I read more carefully and sure enough, I was tagged. And I thought "No, she didn't."
Anyways, I will take this in fun, just as she did. So here goes.
Number of books I own:
Um, I don't know, and if you'll excuse me I really don't want to count them. Plus, most of them are in our storage unit in Portland. Side note, we're moving all our storage stuff down closer to us next weekend (August 20-21) if anyone wants to volunteer. ;)
Last Book I read:
I've been borrowing books from the library, but besides the craft books, I can't remember the last book I finished. I started reading Don Quixote because it was listed first on a list I found of 100 greatest novels of all time, and I also picked up the history book, The World Since 1500, but like I said I didn't finish either of them. Another book that is on my nightstand is The Eye of the World, the first in the series The Wheel of Time. I started reading this series after high school. It only had 7 books in the series, but now it's up to at least 10 now. I wanted to start the series over, but it's not keeping my attention like it did almost 10 years ago.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
1. The Bible
2. The Vogue Knitting Quick Reference This is the best knitting book.
3, 4 and 5... Well, I guess I don't have that many books that mean a lot to me. But from reading the other tagged bloggers I found a few suggestions that I will pick up from the library and see if I can actually finish reading a book.
Now, if this was on movies, I'd be all over that.
This is the part where I'm supposed to tag five other blogging friends... Sadly, of the blogs I read, I don't know the authors well enough to feel comfortable passing this on to them. The only person I would tag is Melissa, but there's no touch-backs. So the line ends here.
Free Download Disguised: A Wartime Memoir
6 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks for writing amiee:-)
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