1. Okay, this holiday totally screwed up my sense of the week. It's hard to believe it is Tuesday already.
2. Sam had some gunk in his eye yesterday at the beach. It's better today, but we're going to keep him home one more day to make sure it is not contagious.
3. I'm still sick. It's been 2 weeks now. My cough is actually worse today. I won't list my other symptoms because my Mom will try to tell me it's a horrible disease and that I need to go see a doctor. Really, I'm fine, Mom.
4. I actually feel okay about the test coming up next Friday. I just has one more section of material to go through, then I can review. I can't wait until it's over.
5. I'm looking forward to doing a few projects around the house once the test is done. I really want to get the curtains done. I think we found a curtain rod we like for the front room.
6. Thanks, Mom & Dad, for your help this weekend. It's really cool to see the bathroom come together. Thanks, Mom, for watching Sam so I could study. It really did help.
7. When I have a few minutes at night I've been reading Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge. I highly recommend it. It's like Wild at Heart by John Eldredge, which I also recommend, but for the woman's heart.
8. I really like eating my cereal in the morning: Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal. I'm not gluten free anymore, but it is so good.
9. I'm trying to pay more attention to my posture while I'm sitting at the computer at work, and at home.
10. Finally, I reached #10. That's all for now. :)
Free Download Disguised: A Wartime Memoir
6 years ago
1 comment:
I probably have the same bug, it's been going on for two weeks and I'm still not better. I'm up tonight so I won't keep Dad awake with coughing. No you're not dying of some horrible disease. You just belong to the human race. What is it we're racing for anyway????
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