1. Sam helped put his socks away tonight. I had his laundry folded and out in several piles in the hallway because I folded it after he went to bed. He grabbed a folded pair of socks and brought it in to me. The socks go in the top drawer, so I lifted him up, and he dropped it in. Then I walked out to the hallway, saw him grab another ball o' socks, and I turned around for a second to say something to John. He came back out of his room empty handed, so I thought he dropped it on the floor or put it in another drawer. I went in to look, and I didn't see any misplaced socks. I wondered if he could actually reach the drawer, so I gave him another pair. I told him to put it in the top drawer. He reached right up, stood on his tippy toes, and pushed it over the edge with his fingers. I was amazed! He surprises me more often now with what he is learning. It's so cool!
2. Okay, that was a long #1. On coffee... Natalie skipped Starbucks, Mom had HomeBucks, and I treated myself to a Starbucks. We all like our coffee.
3. The coffee at work is okay as long as it's not the end of the pot. Then it needs hot chocolate added to it to make it drinkable.
4. John is cleaning out his side of the office. It's a mess now with everything out of place, but it will look a lot better when he's done. I need to go through my side too.
5. I'm excited we get to see my parents soon. I know my Mom is too.
6. We all have a touch of a cold. I have a sore throat and stuffy nose, as does John. Sam has a stuffy nose. I can't tell if he has a sore throat or not.
7. I made artichokes tonight. It's the first time I've made them. I've only had them once before, at least a whole artichoke by itself instead of just the hearts in a Dinners Done Right recipe. I boiled them, then we dipped them in a herb butter sauce. I thought they were kinda bitter. There are two left, so I want to bake them next time, probably Thursday.
8. Sam ate melon tonight. We gave him a wedge with the rind on it at first. He didn't know quite what to do with it, so we cut off the rind. Then he was able to bite off any end. When he was done with that piece, we tried a whole wedge again. After a few bites into random edges, he figured out to bite the correct side. Then he kept going and ate all the melon off the rind. He was very proud of himself, and we were proud too. Like I said before, it's really cool watching him figure things out.
9. The people at daycare say he is adjusting well. He's starting to play with the other kids.
10. He did some finger painting last week for the first time. I'll scan it and post it soon.
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6 years ago
Sam doesn't have his own blog, so you'll just have to tell him.
What a great helper you are Sam. I know Mama likes to have you help because she is so busy. Remember this when you are 16. I'm glad you got to eat melon and also to fingerpaint at daycare.
Our kids loved to put away silverware from the dishwasher. They couldn't see up into the drawer but they could reach up and drop it in. It was a very messy drawer for a couple of years.
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